A term loan is a fixed period loan, usually of one to 10 years, that is paid back by borrower in regular installments with interest. It is the commonest form of bussiness loan and may be secured or unsecured.
Any tern loan agreement signifies the conditions and actions required by the borrower and lender
Merits and Demerits of Term Loan
Merits and Demerits of Term Loan | Lender's point of view
Term loans earn a fixed rate of interest and have a definite maturity period. They represent secured lending and carry several restrictive covenants to protect the interest of lender.
Merits and Demerits of Term Loan | Company's point of view
Term loan offer following merits(advantages) to the borrower:
1. The cost of term loans is lower than the cost of equity capital or preference capital
2.Term loans do not result in dilution of control, as lenders donot ave the right to vote
International Monetary System | 3 Terms Used
Every nation has a monetary system and a monetary authority. In the US, Federal Reserve Bank is the reserve authority. Here are some of the terms used used in such system
Fixed and floating exchange rates
When the government of a country regulates the rate at which its currency is in exchange for other currencies , then it is known as fixed or managed or pegged or official exchange system. The rate of exchange between Nepali and Indian Currency is fixed exchange system.
Differences between windows and linux web hosting
I read the whole web about the differences between linux and windows web hosting , but didnot find them interesting on the basis of the way of presentation….Lets try to learn about this subject in a newer way
Procedures of gene cloning
A clone refers to a group of organisms, cells or molecules arising from a single individual.The general procedures in gene cloning are:
About restriction endonucleases
Since they are ending with 'ase' they are definitely enzymes. They are the bacterial enzymes that cut/split DNA. First found in the bacterium Escherichia coli, they restricted the replication of bacteriophages. Following are the things you need to know about restriction endomucleases
NEPSE Stocks Exchange 30th Poush 2066 (Jan14,2010)
Total amount traded: NRs.43,714,463 (convert here)
Total shares involved: 89,376
Shares purchased/sold: 908
NEPSE Index: 530.96/0.15
Forex rates for 15th Jan,2010
This post represents forex rates for 15th Jan 2010...The main currencies that are going to be traded worldwide today are:(given in Nrs.)
Gold rate for 15th January, 2010
This post represents the price of different qualities of gold, per 10 gram for 15th January, 2009. Prices are given in Nepali Rupees....
Pure Gold (24 Carat): NRs. 27,180.00
Acidified Gold (20 Carat): NRs. 27,180.00
You can convert it into desired currency through this link
Short note on Financial Plan
Any Plan is a projected course of action for the future. A plan that involves the estimation of the requirement of the funds in future and decides how these funds are to be utilized at the future time is known as financial planning
What are "life insurance companies"?
All of us know that we pay large sum of payments called as premiumin exchange for making certain future contractual payments to companies called "insurance companies". This post shall display about the basic concept of life insurance companies
10 features an "Ideal Webhost " must have
Web hosting is a serious matter just because you are liable to be frauded in any way or the other. I prefer to host any websites with a proper and reliable company.....Based on what people and companies want ....anyone would like to have an ideal webhost that represents following features
Facts about Polymerase Chain Reaction "PCR"
The Polymerase Chain reaction "PCR" is a laboratory technique for generating large quantities of specified DNA.In other words, it is a cell free amplification technique used to generate large quantities of specified DNA. This post presents some basic facts that you cannot miss about PCR.
5 Definitions of Finance
This post is entirely dedicated to dicussing the definition of 'finance'.
Below are the five definitions of finance.
Concept of webhosting
Everyone needs a place to dwell and to live in a house. The concept of webhosting is quite similar to it. Whenever you purchase your own domain....let us consider it as a land for house....you need it to build. So building yourself in the space of web is what I call as web hosting. Web-hosting is a very common word that we often use. Even I use it a lot while asking to many peoples, which web host do you use and what are the cost. But however you will be acquainted with what we call as webhost in my latter posts.